#metoo #wetoo #yogatoo

I am actually not surprised that the #metoo movement also applies to the Yoga community. I have heard of the issues with BXX and JXX in the past and I have had my own experiences.

While the behavior described in the many stories Rachel Brathen has collected so far points to feelings of insecurity, inferiority and resentment in the psyche of the predator, stories like these are especially painful for me to read.  

Here’s a link to her blog post: http://rachelbrathen.com/metoo-yoga-stories/

While I am not "surprised," my feelings of disgust, anger and sadness are intensified because of the nature of the setting in which these trespasses of trust & respect occurred and do occur.
As one woman states in her story, “It breaks my heart because I know how vulnerable we allow ourselves to be in yoga. That was the only place I really allowed myself to be so vulnerable.”
Because the physical practice of yoga is usually where we begin in the West, and because the business of Yoga in the USA very much capitalizes on the physical practice, male teachers who prey on young women in a physical way and violate what is expected to be a safe space, I consider to be particularly lamentable. I would like to see them lose their YA teaching certifications and be banned from teaching, if not forever, at least for a long, long time, like 30+ years long.
I feel sad. And also REALLY glad that all the women across all industries are sharing their stories (and men too).
All human beings, male and female, have the potential to grow huge egos that overpower their reason and restraint.
Having practiced and studied yoga for over 23 years, I have seen this truth in myself and others.
Yoga practitioners and teachers are human beings with their unique blends of strengths and limitations. Practice is important. And while, after 23 years of practice, I often still feel like a "beginner," I can say for certain that doing sun salutations, eating a raw, vegan diet, drinking green juice and perfecting your handstand is not going to lead you to the promised land.
True yoga practice is really, seriously challenging work and sometimes deeply painful. Opening oneself to meditate on and experience the darkest corner of the soul is powerful and brave as well as super scary and damn hard. I know this. If you do too, I've got your back.


Becoming aware of our patterns, experiencing our limitations, observing our conditioned thoughts and behavior can be surprising if not truly shocking.
Not all who practice and teach yoga are ready to do that, and some don't need to, but many will become ready and many find that they do need to.
With all that said, the transformation true yoga practice promises is TRULY possible.
And it is INTENTION that is the root of any significant transformation.
INTENTION, practiced #everydaymnday #everydamnminute, is what will open the doors to the recognition and experience of our true power and sense of empowerment. This requires slowing down, being kind and generous with ourselves, walking the middle path - not too loose, not to strict - and having the DESIRE - the desire to break through to the "other side", the dot above the line in the OM. Jai!



So it's important for us all to consider, "What do I truly want?" Do I want a great body? Do I want to become a star? Do I want to be perfectly pure? Do I want to have power over others? Or do I want to experience the genuine and lasting happiness that I, as a human being and magnificent miracle of creation, was born to experience?
And why? And what does that mean for me? And about me?
And how?
As far as teachers go, I have had my own experiences with idealizing "the teacher", the teacher being promoted as bigger-than-life, all-knowing, and "needed." Beware of this as you look for "Teacher." Be discriminating and trust your intuition.
I have learned I have many teachers - not just in the form of yoga instructors. I have learned to take what has value for me and leave the rest, to be able to say, "that's your issue, not mine."

If you have read this far, thank you for reading this post. Please share your own thoughts if you feel moved to do so.
I will be teaching a course in the new year on how EVERYONE can experience genuine and lasting fulfillment, happiness and bliss. This course will be grounded in classical yoga but will offer modern and accessible "translations" and exercises as well as coaching, community and loads of support for those who would like to do the work. I will post more about this over the next few weeks.

In the meantime, I feel great love and admiration for all the women and men who are speaking up, for all my teachers and students, family and friends, and I offer my experience, encouragement and support in any way that I am able. Please reach out.
Keep sharing, keep listening, keep breathing -
Even breathing...
breathing in ...
love, compassion, joy, equanimity
breathing out ...
love, compassion, joy, equanimity

Peace -




Don't Leave Eden, Live in Eden: Removing Obstacles to Peace with Ganesha-mind


Gayatri Mantra... Shhhhhh, Peaceful...