Food and Identity

How does the food you eat food shape or reflect your identity? Your food choices, your food sensitivities, the WAY you prepare and eat food…?

How do your observations of what other people eat inform your opinions and assumptions about their identity? 

Do you judge your self or others based on what foods are eaten (or not eaten)? 

Access to fresh food, knowing how to cook, and the ability to do so, is somehow a privilege these days.

This question about HOW the food we eat influences our identity, and our general relationship with food, and others, has me thinking about…

Education, Culture, Perfectionism, Wealth, Comfort, Health, History, Privilege, Poverty, Grace, “Race,” Nature, Community …

What do you think?

Summer Tomato Tart with garlic, Parmesan and pine nuts

Summer Tomato Tart with garlic, Parmesan and pine nuts


New Year Food Fest


A letter to my daughters