Swimming in the Ego

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Have you ever taken a bath in your ego? A long soak? 

Sometimes it’s a shitty shitbath.  

When you get up though, when you stand up, and turn on the shower, and shower yourself, it’s really quite a lovely experience ...

To stand up and breathe, to see the water and the shit running down the drain - till the water is clear and clean and fresh - that’s truly a joy. 

Because when you’re soaking in a shit bath, you may, sometimes, think you might drown. Drown in your own shit. 

And when you get up... when you stand up and wash it off - it’s a grateful thing, really...  it’s a really happy thing, and worthy of feeling grateful for. 

Because then your ego feels safe, and can shine out from the other side and hold hands with itself and be cool,

And calm,

And comfort it’s craziness,

And trust that it’s really fine and it’s allowed to shine, even though it had that deep dive. 

Diving deep, and reaching back up, and grabbing back on, and washing again keeps the faith, and keeps us connected to others. 

I want to tell you something: Keep the faith, keep going, even when - and especially when - you’re in the shitty shitbath.  Don’t drown, just move around in there /  tell people you’re in there / until you’re ready to get out. Keep going.

You will rise, one way or another. 

ALWAYS Keep the faith. As long as you are breathing, even when the air stinks, keep the faith. 

And believe in Love.

Because even when you don’t know what love is anymore (or question if you ever did), and you feel like you hate everything, and that Yuck feels shameful and bad, Love is there. In the shit and in the hate, love is always there. It’s what everything is built on - and from - and is the truest essence of who we are. Even when - especially when - we’re swimming in shit. 

Flowers just about to blossom.  

keep the faith.  




A letter to my daughters


Weekly Wonderings 5/31